
Founded in 2021, is a website that post restaurant reviews from the Space Coast, Orlando Area, and Walt Disney World in Florida.

This website is simply a place for locals and tourists to visit to find places to eat.


The design for this is simple and a pop of color from the logo. I thought the inclusion of multiple colors made the website more inviting.

I tend to go for clean themes because I like the look of them. 

The branding for Space Coast Eats is simple but adds a small punch of color.

The logo and site icon use an array of grays. The site logo combines a sans serif with fun little designs on different letters to make it more custom and unique to the brand.

Final Result

See mockups of the final website below. Please keep in mind that the design may have changed since these mockups were made.

Jessica Welner is a writer, designer &
content creator based in the United States.
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